Junior League Information (U10 - U18)
To cater for the range of players and needs, U10’s and older are graded with the aim of placing players of similar skills and ages together so that they can compete against other teams of similar skill level. This results in a much more enjoyable experience for all players.
The best players in U10, U11 and U12 will play in Division 1. Depending on the numbers of players in each age group who have the ability and desire to play at this level, there may be one, two or three Division 1 teams. The technical director will then, based on the average standard of players, choose how many teams at what levels across Div 1, 2 and 3 that Monaro Panthers will enter into the competition.
The best U11 players are invited to be a part of the Monaro Panthers Premier Program . The next level of players is invited to play in Division 1. The number of Division 1 and 2 teams will again depend on the quality and numbers of players available and will be decided by the technical director as a result of grading.
The process for U12’s is the same as that for the U11’s.
In the U13-U18 age groups, it is considered that after three years of grading and assessing players there is a fair understanding of the range of players in each age group, their levels and abilities. Given this is the case, grading does not occur. Instead players are invited to play in similar squads the following year or if they to try out for other teams.
For those who want to develop and to have opportunities to try out for top squads, that is great and we strongly encourage you. Whether it is the Monaro Panthers Premier Program or Division 1, there will be a notification when training/try outs begin. You should ensure you notify the relevant coach of your interest and be there for the first of these try outs.
The natural ebb and flow of players in any club means that there is always an opportunity for players who have been working hard in the off-season or who have arrived new into town. Especially with teenagers who can grow overnight, we know it’s important to open up our top squads to new players each year.
So, if you are a player who wishes to work and develop your football, please let us know. We want to work with you and provide the tools for you to improve your football, but remember there will be some hard work to do this.
Monaro Panthers also recognises that across all ages, football is simply a great social enjoyable game. In this case, we understand that where possible teams that have enjoyed playing together over the years should be kept together. Occasionally player numbers or player abilities may mean this needs to change but our policy is to help players at this level play with friends in the most enjoyable environment as possible.
Players are also, across all age groups, welcome to play in lower divisions to have a more social time. However, where skill levels vary too greatly the club may have to adjust.
Parents are vital to our club. Parents create the atmosphere from the sideline and parents form the engine of volunteers powering the club. We need you the parent to work hard with us to ensure the youth of our club have the best experience possible.
Please see policy here
Below is the general information for the U10's to U13's age groups.